
How to learn English and speaking eassily at home

English is a international language and it is the worldwide. So you have to need learn English as must as we need.We Discuss how to learn English and speaking easily at home of this article. My dear readers if you read the full post you will be know that how to learn English and speaking easily at home. We are discuss some interesting technique and strategy that will be help you easily to learn English.
Nowadays English language is a part of our life. Because we have to need this language of our each of every single moment. If we learn English and speak properly it help us get a good job and bright future. So , we have to learn English language must and obviously.
Post List: How to learn and speaking English eassily 

How to set up goal to learn English  

Before we get started though, before I share the plan with you. They are so few thing that you are going to need. You are going to need about 1 hour a day. Monday through Friday , in order to use this English learning plan.If you don't have an hour a day though. you can use 30 minutes just a make sure that you use the majority of the time for the things that I recommend for that day. The other thing you are going to neetd is a notebook and a pain and you are going to need to choose an English song.    

আরো পড়ুনঃ উইন্ডোজ 11 টাস্কবারে আবহাওয়া উইজেট কীভাবে নিষ্ক্রিয় করবেন জানুন

English book to read and an English television show. If you have all those things I think you will be ready. You also need an Internet connection which I am pretty sure you have because you are reading this article. Your learning a language like EnglishWhen it's important that you spent a and equal of time reading, writing listening speaking and learning new vocabulary. The way this plan was is I am going to ask you to do those five things is day of the week Monday to Friday.

You have to learn English properly in 5 ways

Set your goal to learn English Make a plan of daily routine You have to learn English properly in 5 ways How to reading pactice in English How to writting pactice in English how to speaking pactice in English How to Listening pactice in English How to memorise vocabulary pactice in English.

How to reading pactice in English

If you learning English you have to must read book newspaper, simple Wikipedia to read and understand the article better so I would like to you to those three things for about 30 to 40 minutes while you are doing those things you should be writing you vocabulary words into your notebook along with a short definition of them.
Once you are done all that I want you to use the rest of your time to pet trees your writing to practice your listening and practice speaking so reading on the mandate is most of the time but the other free components will take a simple amount of time but I want you to attach them to your reading.

How to writting pactice in English

I want to suggest you to spend 30 to 40 minutes writing in English. The first thing you should do is write on your notebook. You should write down five things that you are going to the next day so that you can practice writing in the future tense. You should also go to YouTube and leave a few more comments in English on a new videos. This is a really good way to practice English as well .
Many times if you leave a comment on English video someone you will respond sometimes even the creator. So go to YouTube and write if you comments to some of your favourite YouTubes creators. It doesn't all have to me by the way you can write comments on other videos as well. If you write the social media comment in English language you have to improve of your writing.

How to speaking pactice in English

You practice your English speaking. I want you to read part of your book out loud just yourself. You writing on Monday I want you to write out a few passages from the book And properties .You listening of this strategy you will be must helpful and you will learn to speaking English as well as before that you speaking.

আরো পড়ুনঃ বাংলাদেশের ঐতিহাসিক রাজশাহী কলেজ সম্পর্কে জেনে নিন

You manage the first day of the week I want you to focus on reading and speaking in English I want you to read the book that you have chosen. And if you are having a little trouble understanding the book if you can get the book in your own language as well as well you can read one chapter in English and then read the next chapter in your own language and flip back and forth that is a great strategy.
On Monday as well I want to read the news in English. So if you have a news app on your phone or can access the new on a website please read the news in English on Monday as well. And the third thing I would like to do you on Mondays is to go to website call a simple Wikipedia.

How to Listening pactice in English

You practicing your listening it would really cool if you could find the audio version of the book you are reading and listen to it a bit. So that you will understand the English language properly. You can listen any kind of the English speaker audio version . When you will understand each of the word easily and properly you can talk about any other to practice in English. So you have to need more and more listening the audio of English language. It is a very important part of learning English language.

How to memorise vocabulary 

You should try to learn English without memorizing vocabulary you are leaving in a full Paradise. Because vocabulary is a heart of our language. We can vocabulary and practice English this strategy is fast of all we read our own language of English vocabulary then practicing English to online 25 times. If you read vocabulary English to own language and own language to English words read more and more. Then you will be memorize the vocabulary properly.Each of everyday you will read 20words vocabulary.

আরো পড়ুনঃ বাংলাদেশের প্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনার মোবাইল নম্বর ও ইমেইল জেনে নিন

Then next day you will first time revision the previous day 20 words then you will start the new vocabulary. On this way you will reading and practicing vocabulary you can easily memorize vocabulary. You should continuously reading vocabulary everyday. If you do not learn vocabulary regularly you will be forget the word meaning and you will not to memorize vocabulary. So you should memorizing vocabulary and practice in English regularly.

Our last speech

I think we are discuss the whole thing to learn English and speaking properly at home. If you follow this tricks and technique's strategy it will be help you to learn English easily. You have must practicing reading speaking writing listening and memorizing vocabulary. If you have any opinion you can Contract us our social media site.

এই পোস্টটি পরিচিতদের সাথে শেয়ার করুন

পূর্বের পোস্ট দেখুন পরবর্তী পোস্ট দেখুন
এই পোস্টে এখনো কেউ মন্তব্য করে নি
মন্তব্য করতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন

অর্ডিনারি আইটির নীতিমালা মেনে কমেন্ট করুন। প্রতিটি কমেন্ট রিভিউ করা হয়।

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